Privacy policy

In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), we inform you that the personal data you provide us with through our website or by sending e-mails will be incorporated into an automated file owned by Sonia Gandolfini (hereinafter ELOE Centre), with registered office at the following address C. Sant Bartomeu, 126, 03560 El Campello, Alicante – Spain, in order to manage, provide, expand and improve the services offered on the Website, execute the contracts made through it, send survey forms, study the use of services by Users, send service updates, as well as to send you advertising and/or promotional information on the products and services offered by Centro ELOE or by third parties related to the purchase and sale of consumer goods that may be of interest to you, with the User expressly consenting to the sending of such information by any means, including electronic means, including e-mail.

In the case of users who provide their data to Centro ELOE and who are not Users, they expressly accept that the fact of providing their data to Centro ELOE is equivalent to their express authorisation to send advertising through this medium. If this is not the case, please do not provide your data and/or do not send Centro ELOE any communication. The User expressly grants the necessary consent so that Centro ELOE may inform third parties who intend to send an e-mail inviting them to join Centro ELOE of their User status in order to avoid such a referral.

Likewise, the User is informed that in the event of using the “recommend” option, Centro ELOE will inform the person to whom the recommendation to become a User is sent of who has invited him/her to become a User, so that certain personal data will be provided to the potential godchild.

The User’s consent to receive commercial communications by e-mail or equivalent electronic means may be revoked by means of notification sent to the following e-mail address: or by ordinary mail sent to Centro ELOE at the address given above.

Due to the very nature of the service and contents of the Website, it is essential to be able to send Users commercial communications by e-mail. Therefore, in the event of the revocation of consent provided for in the previous paragraph, this will automatically entail the cessation and abandonment of the User’s status as an ELOE Centre User by the person executing such revocation.

Likewise, the User has the possibility to access his/her personal data, and to carry out the appropriate modifications in relation to the same. In this sense, the User undertakes to provide true information in relation to their personal data, and to keep the data provided to Centro ELOE up to date.

Users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending a communication to the address given in the first paragraph of this section, or to the e-mail address:

Centro ELOE informs the User that the collection of such data is not obligatory, except in the fields indicated to the contrary. However, failure to provide such data may prevent Centro ELOE from providing all the Services linked to such data, releasing it from any liability for the non-provision or incomplete provision of these Services.

The User will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided, and Centro ELOE reserves the right to exclude from the registered Services any User who has provided false data, without prejudice to any other actions that may be applicable by law.

Centro ELOE allows its Users to invite third parties (family, friends, etc.) to join, as Users, the Centro ELOE community, by sending an invitation email, called a referral email. To this end, the User who executes the “recommendation” option offered by the ELOE Centre declares that he/she has obtained the necessary consent for the transfer of the personal data of the person to whom the ELOE Centre will send said invitation, having informed him/her of the same in the terms set out in article 5.4. LOPD, as well as having obtained their express consent for Centro ELOE to send them its own commercial communications or those of third parties relating to its own products and/or services or those of third parties related to the purchase and sale of consumer goods.

Likewise, the User who executes the aforementioned “recommend” option shall be solely and exclusively responsible for any circumstance and/or sanction that may arise on the occasion of or as a consequence of the absence of the consent of the recipient of the sponsorship e-mail to process his/her personal data and/or of any irregularities in obtaining such consent.

II. Minors
Our services are aimed at people of legal age, in the event that some of our services are specifically aimed at minors, Centro ELOE will request the consent of parents or guardians for the collection of personal data or, where appropriate, for the automated processing of data as set out in current legislation. If the User is a minor, he/she is required to have the prior consent of his/her parents or guardians before proceeding to the inclusion of his/her personal data in the forms on the Website.

III. Use of cookies
Centro ELOE informs you that while browsing the Website “cookies” are used, small data files that are generated in the User’s computer and that allow us to obtain the following information:

a) The date and time of access to the Website. This allows us to find out the busiest times, and make the necessary adjustments to avoid saturation problems at our peak times.
b) The number of daily visitors to each section. This allows us to know the most successful areas and to increase and improve their content, so that Users can obtain a more satisfactory result.
c) The date and time of the last time the User visited the Website.
d) The content design chosen by the User on his/her first visit to the Website.
(e) Security elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas.

The information obtained is completely anonymous, and in no case can it be associated with a specific and identified User. This information allows Centro ELOE to adapt and improve its Services to the interests of the User. However, the User has the option to prevent the generation of cookies by selecting the corresponding option in his or her browser. Centro ELOE informs you that if you disable the use of cookies, browsing may be slower than usual.

IV. Free text fields
The free text fields that, at the User’s disposal, may appear on the Website have the sole and exclusive purpose of collecting information to improve the quality of the Services, especially the delivery of the products purchased. The User shall not include, in those spaces that the Website may offer as “free text fields”, any personal data that may be classified as data for which a medium or high level of protection is required, without prior notice to the ELOE Centre, as defined by current legislation (including but not limited to data relating to ideology, religion, beliefs, trade union membership, health, racial origin and/or sex life).